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GSImport-Operator Example
This PlugIn runs Ghostscript to import Postscript (TM)-files. To
consume both time and memory only the first page of documents is
processed. But the main purpose of this PlugIn is to convert
EPS-illustrations into "editable images".
Name Possible Values/Unit Description
Output STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8 Output buffer
File string Postscript-file
Resolution integer Resolution
XGeom, pixels crop-region
View (gadget) Display the file using the default displayer
A) This PlugIn requires a complete installation of Ghostscript.
Because only the ppmraw-device is used there is no need for a special
version. Even version 2.62 for AmiWin was sucessfully tested.
B) Due it's nature this PlugIn is relatively slow. But in comparison to
similar X11-Tools this is normal.
C) If you want to import a very small figure at high resolution you
have to set the geometry-parameters.
Your figure has a dimension of about 3x2.5 cm and you want to import
it at a resolution of 120 dpi. If you don't change the geometry-parameters
the WHOLE page is written at this resolution which requires a LOT
of memory and wastes much time. In this example you should specify
a crop region of about 320x256 instead.
D) Use the AutoCrop -PlugIn to crop the
"region of interest" from the imported page.
Ghostscript is Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises.
PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated.
AmiWin is Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Holger Kruse.